Deploy a custom Zeus box to your local working directory.
The --type method can be used to determine what medium to deploy the box to. The default local deploys with the syntax file://${packagePath}/ The option ipfs deploys to the IPFS network with the syntax ipfs://${hash}.
zeus deploy box
# run "zeus list-boxes" and you'll see the box under local boxes
# zeus deploy box --type ipfs
zeus deploy box
installs a templated plugin or a seed, without writing in deps
--version Show version number [boolean]
--storage-path path for persistent storage [default: "/home/ubuntu/.zeus"]
--rc-file use rc file to load options from
[default: "/home/ubuntu/.zeus/zeusrc.json"]
--rc-ignore ignore rc file [default: false]
--verbose, -v [default: false]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
--type [default: "local"]
--invalidate [default: true]
--bucket [default: "liquidapps.artifacts"]
--prefix [default: "boxes/"]
--update-mapping [default: true]
--moddate [default: false]
zeus deploy box
Note IPFS must be running in order for the box to be deployed, start with zeus start-localenv --phase 15-ipfs-dameon