import { getClient } from "./client";
const ecc = require("eosjs-ecc");
(async () => {
const service = await (await getClient()).service('storage', "5jqee4kl1ns1");
const data = Buffer.from("a great LiquidAccount success", "utf8");
const vAccount1 = `vaccount1`;
const privateKeyWif = "5HzXLtjFr34BCBYzjYeMgKGyvZJ41VqhcCAwUb5mKhtdDmQwnEB";
const options = {
// if true, DAG leaves will contain raw file data and not be wrapped in a protobuf
rawLeaves: true
const response = await service.upload_public_file_from_vaccount(
name: vAccount1,
key: privateKeyWif
console.log(`uri: ${response.uri}`);
})().catch((e) => { console.log(e); });