# as rootsudosu-systemctlstopipfssystemctlstopnodeos# if changes to sample-config.toml syntax, updatenano~/.dsp/config.toml# use pm2 process manager to kill all processes and delete thempm2killpm2delall# uninstallnpmuninstall-g@liquidapps/dspexit# as USERsudochownubuntu:ubuntu/home/ubuntu/.pm2/rpc.sock/home/ubuntu/.pm2/pub.socknpmuninstall-g@liquidapps/dspsudosu-npminstall-g@liquidapps/dsp--unsafe-perm=true# Ensure no new updates to the `sample-config.toml` file are present, if so, update your config.toml accordingly.sudofind/-namesample-config.toml# nano <PATH>setup-dspsystemctlstartnodeossystemctlstartipfsexit
If a DSP is not updating properly, you may try pm2 restart all to restart all processes.
Script for updating:
#! /bin/bash
systemctl stop dsp
pm2 kill
pm2 del all
npm uninstall -g @liquidapps/dsp
npm i -g @liquidapps/dsp --unsafe-perm=true
cd $(readlink -f `which setup-dsp` | xargs dirname)