
Set LiquidStorage Configuration

The setstoragecfg table allows setting limits to the LiquidStorage service for users. This is an optional step.

TABLE storagecfg {
  // all measurements in bytes
  uint64_t max_file_size_in_bytes = UINT64_MAX; // max file size in bytes that can be uploaded at a time, default 10mb
  uint64_t global_upload_limit_per_day = UINT64_MAX; // max upload limit in bytes per day for EOS account, default 1 GB
  uint64_t vaccount_upload_limit_per_day = UINT64_MAX; // max upload limit in bytes per day for LiquidAccounts, default 10 MB

Here we will set the maximum file size to 1MB and the global upload limits to 10MB each. You can update the YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE to your consumer account.

cleos -u https://kylin.eosn.io push transaction '{"delay_sec":0,"max_cpu_usage_ms":0,"actions":[{"account":"YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE","name":"setstoragecfg","data":{"max_file_size_in_bytes":1000000,"global_upload_limit_per_day":100000000,"vaccount_upload_limit_per_day":100000000},"authorization":[{"actor":"YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE","permission":"active"}]}]}'


This test will use a regular EOS account instead of a LiquidAccount, to use a LiquidAccount, visit the LiquidAccount section for how to send a transaction.

First install the dapp-client

npm install -g @liquidapps/dapp-client

Create the following file:

touch test.js
# add contents below
vim test.js
# run file
node test.js
const { createClient } = require('@liquidapps/dapp-client');
const fetch = require('isomorphic-fetch');
const endpoint = "https://kylin-dsp-2.liquidapps.io";
const getClient = () => createClient( { network:"kylin", httpEndpoint: endpoint, fetch });

(async () => {
    const service = await (await getClient()).service('storage', "YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE");
    const data = Buffer.from("a great success", "utf8");
    const permission = "active";
    const options = {
      // if true, DAG leaves will contain raw file data and not be wrapped in a protobuf
      rawLeaves: true
    const response = await service.upload_public_file(
    console.log(`response uri: ${response.uri}`);
})().catch((e) => { console.log(e); });
# node test.js 
response uri: ipfs://IPFS_URI_HERE

This will return the IPFS URI where the content can be fetched.

Add the URI to the end of the IPFS gateway: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/IPFS_URI_HERE, and you will see “a great success”.

To fetch data, the following example can be used:

const fetch = require("node-fetch");

(async () => {
    let res = await fetch('https://kylin-dsp-2.liquidapps.io/v1/dsp/liquidstorag/get_uri', {
      method: 'POST',
      mode: 'cors',
      body: JSON.stringify({ uri: "ipfs://zb2rhX28fttoDTUhpmHBgQa2PzjL1N3XUDaL9rZvx8dLZseji" })
    res = await res.json();
    res = Buffer.from(res.data, 'base64').toString(),
    console.log(`result: ${res}`);
})().catch((e) => { console.log(e); });
// result: a great success

To see additional examples of the other dapp-client services, see the examples folder here.

Last updated