* service name: vaccounts
* contract name
* account name of contract with LiquidAcount code deployed
* private key of LiquidAccount
* action name: regaccount to register new account
* payload
* vaccount - name of LiquidAccount
const service = await (await getClient()).service('vaccounts', "vacctstst123");
const response = await service.push_liquid_account_transaction(
vaccount: 'testing126'
* service name: vaccounts
* contract name
* account name of contract with LiquidAcount code deployed
* private key of LiquidAccount
* action name: hello
* payload
* any - payload must match struct outline in the smart contract
const service = await (await getClient()).service('vaccounts', "vacctstst123");
const response = await service.push_liquid_account_transaction(
vaccount: 'testing126'