DAPP Token Inflation Tuning
deprecation notice deprecating official support for node version 10, new support for 12 for zeus/dsp
add flag
zeus test tokenpeg --services "oracle,cron,ipfs"
allows pretty name for each service specified in the models folder of that service, to be spun up for use in testing or creating an environment. This speeds up unit testing time drastically.add
to local nodeos for unit testing to avoid occasional serialization errorsadd command
zeus upsert-dsp-permission <endpoint> <contract> <key> <providers> <services>
to automatically configure DSP settings for service actionsenforce
handlers be set for eosio link libraryadd
table to record failed batches in eosio link libraryadd code comments to eosio link library
add example failure hooks from above to
add failure hooks to
, both bridges now handle the automatic return of funds if the transfer, post LIB or finality check, falls outside of theLINK_PROCESSING_TIMEOUT
windowadd code comments to
contractsadd unit tests for tokenpeg if sidechain or mainnet destination account does not exist, auto refund
add getTable, awaitTable, and delay to seed-tests box for unit testing
using eosio-push-guarantee library for unit testing, default in-block push guarantee
enable gnache wrapped compiling eth with
zeus compile --phase "eth"
2nd DSP for LiquidHarmony assigned correct port and running as internal node
setting forconfig.toml
config file for DSP, enables verbose logs for DSP related servicesadd
, max retries to fetch an oracle request or ipfs warmup, or any other blocking DSP service action, default 10add
, allows push guarantee to be set per service, default noneadd better logs in general for DSP services
prevent duplicate attempt at DSP oracle trx
allow multiple oracle requests within a transaction
add demux
contract blacklists to ignore trxs to not slow down demuxadd gnache logs to
folder for DSP/Zeusadd
to toml for timeout for DSPs not respondingusing eosio-push-guarantee library for default push guarantee of in-block
patch assembly script install for vcpu service
encodedKeys backwards compatibility fix
downgrade IPFS to static version 0.54.2 because of compatibility issues with latest versions
fix hyperion replay script, now searches over 24 hour periods, performs all commits, then moves to next 24 hour period
dappservices contract
DSP Services:
improve logging
add unit test for 1/2 DSPs being down
add dsp / zeus logs for displaying what URIs are being fetched
add test/smart contract action for multiple oracle requests within one transaction
fix issue with oracle transaction failing if 1 or more DSP non-responsive
action and unit test for ensuring contract aborts transactionadd multiple log handlers for rescheduling crons if a trx fails because the destination account for a bridge transfer does not exist, a duplicate trx error occurs, or a
required service
error message is received from a failed oracle transaction that was unable to process the request, or other broadcast service
Last updated
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