npm install -g @liquidapps/zeus-cmd
# the package must be chosen from the following list:
# packages: (ipfs, cron, log, oracle, readfn, vaccounts, storage, auth)
export PACKAGE=ipfs
# active key to sign package creation trx
# customizable and unique name for your package
export PACKAGE_ID=package1
export EOS_CHAIN=mainnet
# or
export EOS_CHAIN=kylin
# the minimum stake quantity is the amount of DAPP and/or DAPPHDL that must be staked to meet the package's threshold for use
export MIN_STAKE_QUANTITY="10.0000"
# package period is in seconds, so 86400 = 1 day, 3600 = 1 hour
export PACKAGE_PERIOD=86400
# the time to unstake is the greater of the package period remaining and the minimum unstake period, which is also in seconds
# QUOTA is the measurement for total actions allowed within the package period to be processed by the DSP. 1.0000 QUOTA = 10,000 actions. 0.0001 QUOTA = 1 action
export QUOTA="1.0000"
# package json uri is the link to your package's information, this is customizable without a required syntax
# The annual inflation rate of the DAPP token may be tuned by the community. This is done by DSP's specifying a desired inflation rate during package registration. All existing packages default to the original annual inflation rate of 2.71%
cd $(readlink -f `which setup-dsp` | xargs dirname)/../..
zeus register dapp-service-provider-package \
--min-stake-quantity $MIN_STAKE_QUANTITY \
--package-period $PACKAGE_PERIOD \
--quota $QUOTA \
--network $EOS_CHAIN \
--api-endpoint $DSP_ENDPOINT \
--package-json-uri $PACKAGE_JSON_URI \
--min-unstake-period $MIN_UNSTAKE_PERIOD \
Or in cleos:
# currently available services: (ipfsservice1, cronservices, logservices1, oracleservic, readfndspsvc, accountless1)
# the services use EOS account names to fascilitate usage
# service contract names may be found in the boxes/groups/services/SERVICE_NAME/models/dapp-services/*.json file as the ( contract ) parameter
export SERVICE=ipfsservice1
# zeus command automatically adds QUOTA / DAPP, so we must add it here
export QUOTA="1.0000 QUOTA"
export MIN_STAKE_QUANTITY="10.0000 DAPP"
export EOS_ENDPOINT= # or mainnet:
cleos -u $EOS_ENDPOINT push action dappservices regpkg "{\"newpackage\":{\"api_endpoint\":\"$DSP_ENDPOINT\",\"enabled\":0,\"id\":0,\"min_stake_quantity\":\"$MIN_STAKE_QUANTITY\",\"min_unstake_period\":\"$MIN_UNSTAKE_PERIOD\",\"package_id\":\"$PACKAGE_ID\",\"package_json_uri\":\"$PACKAGE_JSON_URI\",\"package_period\":\"$PACKAGE_PERIOD\",\"provider\":\"$DSP_ACCOUNT\",\"quota\":\"$QUOTA\",\"service\":\"$SERVICE\"},
\"annual_inflation\":$ANNUAL_INFLATION}" -p $DSP_ACCOUNT
Example service contract name for LiquidAccounts:
List of all services, please note some of which may not be testable yet:, see the stage for each service to monitor its development maturity (WIP - work in progress, Alpha, Beta, Stable).