Test Setup

Test your DSP with vRAM

Please note, if you wish to test on the mainnet, this will require the purchase of DAPP tokens or the use of DAPPHDL tokens (Air-HODL). In the case of Kylin, we provide a DAPP token faucet.

Create Kylin Account

We will create a Kylin account for the vRAM eosio.token contract. To setup the account, visit here.

Install Zeus:

npm i -g @liquidapps/zeus-cmd

Unbox coldtoken contract:

mkdir coldtoken; cd coldtoken
zeus box create
zeus unbox coldtoken

Compile and deploy contract for testing:

# your DSP's API endpoint
# a new account to deploy your contract to
export ACCOUNT=
# your new account's active public key
# compile coldtoken contract
zeus compile
cd contracts/eos
# set eosio.code permission
cleos -u $DSP_ENDPOINT set account permission $ACCOUNT active "{\"threshold\":1,\"keys\":[{\"weight\":1,\"key\":\"$ACTIVE_PUBLIC_KEY\"}],\"accounts\":[{\"permission\":{\"actor\":\"$ACCOUNT\",\"permission\":\"eosio.code\"},\"weight\":1}]}" owner -p $ACCOUNT@active
# set contract
cleos -u $DSP_ENDPOINT set contract $ACCOUNT ./coldtoken

Select and stake to DSP:

# your DSP's account
# your DSP's service
# your DSP's package
# your DSP's minimum stake quantity in DAPP or DAPPHDL (example: 10.0000 DAPP or 10.0000 DAPPHDL)
# select DSP package
cleos -u $DSP_ENDPOINT push action dappservices selectpkg "{\"owner\":\"$ACCOUNT\",\"provider\":\"$DSP_ACCOUNT\",\"service\":\"$DSP_SERVICE\",\"package\":\"$DSP_PACKAGE\"}" -p $ACCOUNT
# stake to DSP package with DAPP
cleos -u $DSP_ENDPOINT push action dappservices stake "{\"owner\":\"$ACCOUNT\",\"provider\":\"$DSP_ACCOUNT\",\"service\":\"$DSP_SERVICE\",\"quantity\":\"$MIN_STAKE_QUANTITY\"}" -p $ACCOUNT
# stake to DSP package with DAPPHDL, only available on mainnet
cleos -u $DSP_ENDPOINT push action dappairhodl1 stake "{\"owner\":\"$ACCOUNT\",\"provider\":\"$DSP_ACCOUNT\",\"service\":\"$DSP_SERVICE\",\"quantity\":\"$MIN_STAKE_QUANTITY\"}" -p $ACCOUNT

Run test commands:

When running the test commands, if you're using leap version 3.0.0+ you'll need to add --use-old-send-rpc -t false to the cleos command to not use the send_transaction2 rpc by default as seen below. If using the legacy eos software, that flag is not required.

# create coldtoken
cleos -u $DSP_ENDPOINT push action $ACCOUNT create "{\"issuer\":\"$ACCOUNT\",\"maximum_supply\":\"1000000000 TEST\"}" -p $ACCOUNT
# issue some TEST
cleos -u $DSP_ENDPOINT push action --use-old-send-rpc -t false $ACCOUNT issue "{\"to\":\"$ACCOUNT\",\"quantity\":\"1000 TEST\",\"memo\":\"Testing issue\"}" -p $ACCOUNT

Test vRAM get table row:

# you must be in the root of the box to run this command
cd ../../
zeus get-table-row $ACCOUNT "accounts" $ACCOUNT "TEST" --endpoint $DSP_ENDPOINT | python -m json.tool
# with curl:
curl http://$DSP_ENDPOINT/v1/dsp/ipfsservice1/get_table_row -d '{"contract":"CONTRACT_ACCOUNT","scope":"SCOPE","table":"TABLE_NAME","key":"TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY"}' | python -m json.tool


cleos -u $DSP_ENDPOINT push action --use-old-send-rpc -t false $ACCOUNT transfer "{\"from\":\"$ACCOUNT\",\"to\":\"natdeveloper\",\"quantity\":\"1000 TEST\",\"memo\":\"Testing transfer\"}" -p $ACCOUNT
zeus get-table-row $ACCOUNT "accounts" "natdeveloper" "TEST" --endpoint $DSP_ENDPOINT | python -m json.tool

Look for “xcommit” and “xcleanup” actions on your contract: https://bloks.io/

  • xcommit - The commit request instructs a DSP to write new data to their local IPFS cluster node. A developer can utilize the setData function from within their smart contract to first hash the new data in order to return a URI, before dispatching a commit request which is caught by the DSP node. In a similar way the getData function can be utilized in order to fetch the data for the smart contract or request a Warmup in case it is missing.

  • xcleanup - A cleanup request sends a request to the DSP to evict a file from the cache. This is an asynchronous request.

More information on vRAM related actions can be found here

Last updated

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