Push DSP account mapping action

Push DSP account mapping action

On the EOS mainnet, the EOS mainnet’s DSP account must be connected to the new chain’s DSP account. This is done using the addaccount command on the liquidx.dsp account.

  • owner {name} - DSP account name on the EOS mainnet

  • chain_account {name} - DSP account name on the new chain

  • chain_name {name} - account name of contract on the EOS mainnet that registered the chain

Cleos example:

cleos -u https://nodes.get-scatter.com:443 push transaction '{"delay_sec":0,"max_cpu_usage_ms":0,"actions":[{"account":"liquidx.dsp","name":"addaccount","data":{"owner":"uuddlrlrbass","chain_account":"uuddlrlrbass","chain_name":"mynewchainnn"},"authorization":[{"actor":"uuddlrlrbass","permission":"active"}]}]}'

On the new chain you must find the account that has deployed the dappservicex.cpp code. This can be found by asking a BP, a member of the community, or by checking the chainentry table on the liquidx.dsp contract and providing the scope of the chain_name used to register in the previous step.

This will return the chain_meta field:

{ "is_public": 1, "is_single_node": 0, "dappservices_contract": "dappservicex", "chain_id": "e70aaab8997e1dfce58fbfac80cbbb8fecec7b99cf982a9444273cbc64c41473", "type": "EOSIO", "endpoints": [], "p2p_seeds": [], "chain_json_uri": "" }

The dappservices_contract value is the name of the contract that has deployed the dappservicex.cpp code, dappservicex in this case.

Once you have that then on the new chain, submit an adddsp action on that account.

  • owner {name} - DSP name on new chain

  • dsp {name} - DSP name on mainnet

Cleos example:

cleos -u $NEW_CHAIN_NODEOS_ENDPOINT push transaction '{"delay_sec":0,"max_cpu_usage_ms":0,"actions":[{"account":"dappservicex","name":"adddsp","data":{"owner":"uuddlrlrbass","dsp":"uuddlrlrbass"},"authorization":[{"actor":"uuddlrlrbass","permission":"active"}]}]}'

With that you have 2 way mapped your DSP account name. On the EOS Mainnet, the DSP’s account has been linked to the new chain’s network. And on the new network, the EOS Mainnet’s DSP account has been verified.

With that, the DSP is ready to offer services.

Last updated

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