
schedule_timer | code

  *  LiquidScheduler uses the schedule_timer macro to schedule a cron action on chain by adding a timer to the timerentry singleton
  *  @param {name} timer - account name to scope the timer within
  *  @param {std::vector<char>} payload - payload to be accessed within the timer_callback function in the consumer contract
  *  @param {uint32_t} seconds - seconds to repeat the cron
  *  Example:
  *  @code
  *  [[eosio::action]] void testschedule() {
  *    std::vector<char> payload;
  *    schedule_timer(_self, payload, 2);
  *  }
  *  @endcode

TABLE timerentry { \
    int64_t   set_timestamp = 0; \
    int64_t   fired_timestamp = 0; \
typedef eosio::singleton<"timer"_n, timerentry> timers_def;\

static void schedule_timer(name timer,std::vector<char> payload, uint32_t seconds){  \
    timers_def timers(current_receiver(), timer.value); \
    timerentry newtimer; \
    if(timers.exists()){ \
        newtimer = timers.get(); \
    } \
    newtimer.fired_timestamp = 0;\
    newtimer.set_timestamp = eosio::current_time_point().time_since_epoch().count();\
    timers.set(newtimer, current_receiver()); \
    SEND_SVC_REQUEST(schedule, timer, payload, seconds); \
}  \

SVC_RESP_CRON(schedule)(name timer,std::vector<char> payload, uint32_t seconds,name current_provider){ \
    timers_def timers(current_receiver() , timer.value); \
    if(!timers.exists()) \
        return; \
    auto current_timer = timers.get(); \
    if(current_timer.fired_timestamp != 0 || (current_timer.set_timestamp + (seconds * 1000000) > eosio::current_time_point().time_since_epoch().count()))\
        return; \
    current_timer.fired_timestamp = eosio::current_time_point().time_since_epoch().count(); \
    timers.set(current_timer, current_receiver()); \
    if(!timer_callback(timer, payload, seconds)) \
        return; \
    schedule_timer(timer, payload, seconds);\
} \

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