mkdir atomiccolpeg
cd atomiccolpeg
zeus box create
zeus unbox atomiccolpeg
zeus compile
atomictokenpeg1155.cpp must be updated before we keep rolling. We are not using the official atomicassets contract because it's not setup and the creating team does not have the keys to it, but don't you worry, I've got ya covered, this one is setup and ready to roll. Find this contract in ./zeus_boxes/contracts/eos/atomictokenpeg1155/atomictokenpeg1155.cpp line 24.
const name NFT_ACCOUNT = "bridgeassets"_n;
Compile contracts
zeus compile
Create 2 Kylin and 1 Rinkeby Testnet accounts using these guides:
Create contract deployment files to migrate contracts to Kylin, located in ./zeus_boxes/contract-migrations-extensions/models/contract-deployments/
zeus create contract-deployment atomictokenpeg1155 $KYLIN_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT kylin
Migrate contracts to Kylin
zeus migrate atomictokenpeg1155 --network=kylin --creator $KYLIN_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT --no-reset --no-compile-all --creator-key=""
# if migration fails
cd contracts/eos
cleos -u $KYLIN_ENDPOINT set contract $KYLIN_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT atomictokenpeg1155
If you use cleos to set the contract, be sure to set the eosio.code permission level, see here
Stake for services
Now that we've prepared that part let's move onto staking DAPP for services. First stop is the faucet for some DAPP tokens here. Use the account that has the atomictokenpeg1155 contract set to it.
Stake to required services vRAM, LiquidHarmony Oracles, LiquidScheduler, LiquidLink
Using the DSP Portal we can see these packages, stake 10 DAPP to each (Amount to Stake):
Below we'll select each package then stake for it.