Reads all vRAM tables of a smart contract and stores them with the naming syntax: ${contract_name}-${table_name}-table.json. The script is located in the utils/ipfs-service/get-table.js of an unboxed zeus box.
Mandatory env variables:
# account name vRAM table exists onexport CONTRACT_NAME=# run scriptnodezeus_boxes/ipfs-dapp-service/utils/ipfs-service/get-table
Optional env variables (if using non-local nodeos / IPFS instance):
# defaults to all vRam tables in the abi, can be used to target a specific tableexport TABLE_NAME=# defaults to localhost:8888, can be used to specify external nodeos instanceexport NODEOS_ENDPOINT=# defaults to localhost, can be used to specify external IPFS instanceexport IPFS_HOST=# defaults to 5001export IPFS_PORT=# defaults to httpexport IPFS_PROTOCOL=# defaults to 1024export SHARD_LIMIT=# defaults to false# produces a ${contractName}-${tableName}-roots.json file which is the table's current entries# also produces an ipfs-data.json which can be used to recreate the current state of the IPFS tableexport VERBOSE=
Steps to produce /ipfs-dapp-service/test1-test-table.json file below: