Unit Testing

Unit testing with Zeus is quick and easy. Zeus also provides support for easily integrating DAPP Network services into your contracts.

Unit testing with Zeus is highly customizable and easy to configure. The following example explains how to use the main helper functions to write your own test.

You can also test with truffle npx truffle test.

To run all of the available unit tests in the ./tests directory run:

zeus test

--ipfs-postgres option requires running PostgreSQL instance locally at

postgresql://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres with the ollowing instructions https://github.com/alanshaw/ipfs-ds-postgres#usage

Article over viewing unit tests


Customize your own unit tests

To generate this file see the Create section.

in zeus_boxes/tests/mycontract.spec.js


const { requireBox } = require('@liquidapps/box-utils');
const { assert } = require('chai'); // Using Assert style
const { getCreateKeys } = requireBox('eos-keystore/helpers/key-utils');
const { getCreateAccount } = requireBox('seed-eos/tools/eos/utils');

const artifacts = requireBox('seed-eos/tools/eos/artifacts');
const deployer = requireBox('seed-eos/tools/eos/deployer');
const { getEosWrapper } = requireBox('seed-eos/tools/eos/eos-wrapper');

const contractCode = '<%- contractname %>';
const ctrt = artifacts.require(`./${contractCode}/`);
const { eosio } = requireBox('test-extensions/lib/index');
let deployedContract;

describe(`${contractCode} Contract`, () => {
    const code = '<%- contractname %>';
    let tableHelper;
    before(done => {
        (async () => {
            try {
                tableHelper = await deployer.deploy(ctrt, code);
                const keys = await getCreateAccount(code);
                const eosTestAcc = getEosWrapper({
                  keyProvider: keys.active.privateKey,
                  httpEndpoint: 'http://localhost:8888'
                deployedContract = await eosTestAcc.contract(code);
            catch (e) {

    it('test assert', done => {
        (async () => {
            try {
                await deployedContract.testassert({
                    message: "hello"
                }, {
                  authorization: `${code}@active`,
                  broadcast: true,
                  sign: true
                let failed = false;
                try {
                    await deployedContract.testassert({
                        message: "nothello"
                    }, {
                      authorization: `${code}@active`,
                      broadcast: true,
                      sign: true
                } catch(e) {
                    failed = true;
                assert(failed,"should have failed");
                const newAccountKeys = await getCreateAccount("newaccount");
            catch (e) {

    it('test console print', done => {
        (async () => {
            try {
                const message = "testing";
                const res = await deployedContract.testprint({
                }, {
                  authorization: `${code}@active`,
                  broadcast: true,
                  sign: true
                const console_print = res.processed.action_traces[0].console;
            catch (e) {

    it('test get table', done => {
        (async () => {
            try {
                const res = await tableHelper.eos.getTableRows({
                    code: "eosio.token",
                    scope: code,
                    table: "accounts",
                    json: true
                // console.log(res.rows[0]);
                const balance = res.rows[0].balance.replace(' SYS', '');
                assert.equal(balance, '1000.0000');
            catch (e) {

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