
timer_callback | code

  *  LiquidScheduler uses the timer_callback to run the cron logic within the consumer contract
  *  @param {name} timer - account name to scope the timer within
  *  @param {std::vector<char>} payload - payload to be accessed within the timer_callback function in the consumer contract
  *  @param {uint32_t} seconds - seconds to repeat the cron
  *  Notes
  *  - can return true to create an infinite loop, false breaks the loop
  *  Example:
  *  @code
  *  bool timer_callback(name timer, std::vector<char> payload, uint32_t seconds){
  *    stats_def statstable(_self, _self.value);
  *    stat newstats;
  *    if(!statstable.exists()){
  *      statstable.set(newstats, _self);
  *    }
  *    else {
  *      newstats = statstable.get();
  *    }
  *    newstats.counter++;
  *    statstable.set(newstats, _self);
  *    return (newstats.counter < 10);
  *  }
  *  @endcode

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