Getting Started Guide
LiquidHarmony Oracles Getting Started
LiquidHarmony includes all oracle related logic from the DAPP Network. This includes things like http fetches, IBC and XIBC fetches, vCPU and more. The full list of options can be explored in the oracles directory of the repo:
The DAPP Network offers the ability to fetch information using DAPP Service Providers (DSPs). A developer may choose as many or as few oracles to use in fetching data points from the internet. If a developer wishes to prevent a scenario where all oracles have an incentive to return false information, the developer may run a DSP themselves and set the threshold of acceptance for the information to all parties. Another great place to understand the service is in the unit tests within each sub directory.
The price feed example uses LiquidHarmony web oracles and the LiquidScheduler to periodically update a price on chain only when the new price is more or less than 1% of the last updated price, conserving CPU by only running actions when necessary. See here
Zeus - Zeus installs eos and the eosio.cdt if not already installed
The DAPP Network currently supports the following oracle requests:
HTTP(S) Post
Nodeos History Get
IBC Block Fetch - (Mainnet, BOS, Telos, Kylin, Worbli, Jungle, Meetone)
Oracle XIBC - read for foreign chain (Ethereum, Tron, Cardano, Ripple, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash)
Wolfram Alpha
Random Number
Stockfish - chess engine AI
Unbox Oracle DAPP Service box
This box contains the oracle smart contract libraries, DSP node logic, unit tests, and everything else needed to get started integrating / testing the DAPP Network oracles in your smart contract.
Last updated