The following file is for the destination's chain information.
# remove existing JSON file to not confuse the compiler
rm -rf ./zeus_boxes/liquidx/models/eosio-chains/
mkdir ./zeus_boxes/liquidx/models/eosio-chains/
touch ./zeus_boxes/liquidx/models/eosio-chains/liquidjungl3.json
vim ./zeus_boxes/liquidx/models/eosio-chains/liquidjungl3.json
Examine ./contracts/eos/dappservices/dappservices.config.hpp and you will see the mapping field populate into c++ definitions, if you see TEST1, you need to delete the existing mapping files
Setup tokenpeg on the Kylin token contract Account and tokenpegx on the Jungle token contract Account using zeus migrate.
Import private keys
zeus key import $KYLIN_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT --owner-private-key 5JPPPML... --active-private-key 5KdLRibwg1v... --network=kylin
zeus key import $JUNGLE_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT --owner-private-key 5KkDxt... --active-private-key 5KkDxtfyKQQ... --network=jungle3
zeus key import $KYLIN_TOKEN_ACCOUNT --owner-private-key 5JPPPML... --active-private-key 5KdLRibwg1v... --network=kylin
zeus key import $JUNGLE_TOKEN_ACCOUNT --owner-private-key 5KkDxt... --active-private-key 5KkDxtfyKQQ... --network=jungle3
Create contract deployment files located in ./zeus_boxes/contract-migrations-extensions/models/contract-deployments/
zeus create contract-deployment tokenpeg $KYLIN_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT kylin
zeus create contract-deployment tokenpegx $JUNGLE_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT jungle3
zeus create contract-deployment eosio.token $KYLIN_TOKEN_ACCOUNT kylin
zeus create contract-deployment eosio.token $JUNGLE_TOKEN_ACCOUNT jungle3
Migrate contracts to Kylin/Jungle
zeus migrate tokenpeg --network=kylin --creator $KYLIN_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT --no-reset --no-compile-all --creator-key=""
zeus migrate tokenpegx --network=jungle3 --creator $JUNGLE_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT --no-reset --no-compile-all --creator-key=""
zeus migrate eosio.token --network=kylin --creator $KYLIN_TOKEN_ACCOUNT --no-reset --no-compile-all --creator-key=""
zeus migrate eosio.token --network=jungle3 --creator $JUNGLE_TOKEN_ACCOUNT --no-reset --no-compile-all --creator-key=""
# if migration fails
cd contracts/eos
cleos -u $KYLIN_ENDPOINT set contract $KYLIN_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT tokenpeg
cleos -u $JUNGLE_ENDPOINT set contract $JUNGLE_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT tokenpegx
cleos -u $KYLIN_ENDPOINT set contract $KYLIN_TOKEN_ACCOUNT eosio.token
cleos -u $JUNGLE_ENDPOINT set contract $JUNGLE_TOKEN_ACCOUNT eosio.token
Initialize token contracts
Create tokens
For Kylin, we'll set the issuer to the token contract, this is to simulate a pre-existing token that is being bridged to Jungle3.
Only Jungle3 we will set the issuer to the bridge contract so that it can issue tokens when they come across the bridge. We will also issue those tokens to the
export MAX_SUPPLY="1000000.0000 TKN"
export ISSUER=$JUNGLE_BRIDGE_ACCOUNT # bridge contract so it can issue/burn
cleos -u $JUNGLE_ENDPOINT push action $JUNGLE_TOKEN_ACCOUNT create "[\"$ISSUER\",\"$MAX_SUPPLY\"]" -p $JUNGLE_TOKEN_ACCOUNT@active
If you get errors such as Transaction exceeded the current network usage limit imposed on the transaction, see the Kylin / Jungle account setup guides to get more tokens and to stake for more resources.
Issue test tokens
We will issue some test tokens to our test account.
Now we will transfer the issued tokens to the test account.
export QUANTITY="10.0000 TKN"
export MEMO="don't spend it all in one place!"
cleos -u $KYLIN_ENDPOINT push action $KYLIN_TOKEN_ACCOUNT transfer "[\"$FROM\",\"$TO\",\"$QUANTITY\",\"$MEMO\"]" -p $KYLIN_TOKEN_ACCOUNT@active
Stake for services
Now that we've prepared that part let's move onto staking DAPP for services. First stop is the faucet for some DAPP tokens here. Use the account that has the tokenpeg contract set to it.
Stake to required services vRAM, LiquidHarmony Oracles, and LiquidScheduler
Below we'll select each package then stake for it.
Here we will initialize both bridges with their settings. On Kylin we will not allow issuance because the token already exists. On Jungle we allow the bridge contract to issue tokens to mint/burn. We set the minimum transfer to 1 TKN.
Now we will test with a transfer from the Kylin example user to the Kylin bridge contract, let's see how it goes!!
export QUANTITY="10.0000 TKN"
# destionation_account,destination_chain
# this is required as the memo type, it tells the bridge which chain the funds go to and who gets them
export MEMO="$JUNGLE_TEST_ACCOUNT,liquidjungl3"
cleos -u $KYLIN_ENDPOINT push action $KYLIN_TOKEN_ACCOUNT transfer "[\"$FROM\",\"$TO\",\"$QUANTITY\",\"$MEMO\"]" -p $KYLIN_TEST_ACCOUNT@active
If all goes well you will see the tokens arrive at your Jungle destination account, you can send them back to the bridge contract now to send them back!
export QUANTITY="10.0000 TKN"
# destionation_account,destination_chain
# this is required as the memo type, it tells the bridge which chain the funds go to and who gets them
cleos -u $JUNGLE_ENDPOINT push action $JUNGLE_TOKEN_ACCOUNT transfer "[\"$FROM\",\"$TO\",\"$QUANTITY\",\"$MEMO\"]" -p $JUNGLE_TEST_ACCOUNT@active
Note that the memo destination chain is now kylin and no longer liquidjungl3 because we are sending the tokens to kylin.
If the transfers are not going through, ensure that the DSP you are using has enough CPU/NET staked for it