// Some code/*
asset proposer_fee - fee to propose
uint32_t accept_vote_per - min amount of total supply of token that must vote
uint32_t approved_vote_per - percentage of voting tokens that must participate
symbol tokensymbol - token symbol supported
name tokencontract - token contract associated with symbol
uint32_t timelock_hours - time before approved proposal can be deemed added to implementation que or rejected
uint32_t approval_hours - time before accepted proposal can be approved or rejected
uint32_t accepted_hours - time before created proposal is accepted or expires
uint32_t unlock_hours - time before user funds can be unlocked
name feecontract - contract to receive fees
asset userreward - user reward for submitting proposal
name rewardacc - account to receive rewards
asset minlockamt - min amount that can be locked for governance purposes
To initialize the contracts see the following cleos example: