Smart Contract Steps

Smart contract commands

Unbox LiquidX box

We will unbox the liquidx box to give us all of the logic, contracts, and unit tests

mkir liquidx; cd liquidx
zeus unbox liquidx

Create Contract

Create smart contract, or if you're using thise guide as a part of another guide, you can skip this and go to the compiling section

zeus create contract $MY_CONTRACT_NAME
cd zeus_boxes/contracts/eos
cd ../../../

Smart Contract Steps

#define LIQUIDX

At the smart contract level, the liquidx box must be unboxed and #define LIQUIDX must be added at the top of the smart contract which uses the DAPP Network services.

If you are already using an existing contract such as tokenpegx then this is already handled for you

Adding files to Zeus

2 files must be added and 2 files deleted as to not conflict


update sidechain_name to chain_account

/zeus_boxes/liquidx/models/liquidx-mappings/sidechain_name.dappservices.json - this maps the dappservices account on the mainnet to the dappservicex account name on the new chain

  • sidechain_name - EOS mainnet account that has registered the chain

  • mainnet_account - dappservices account on EOS mainnet

  • chain_account - dappservicex account on new chain - enter the sidechain_name as the scope for the chainentry table, the dappservices_contract key will list the account name needed

chain_account for jungle3 is testdappxxxx



/zeus_boxes/liquidx/models/eosio-chains/${CHAIN_ACCOUNT}.json - this maps the chain’s configuration details

  • dsp_port - port DSP gateway runs on

  • webhook_dapp_port - webhook port

  • nodeos_host - nodeos host address

  • nodeos_port - nodeos port

  • secured - bool true/false for http/https for the nodeos address

  • nodeos_state_history_port - port for nodeos state history websocket

  • nodeos_p2p_port - nodeos peer 2 peer port

  • nodeos_endpoint - full nodeos endpoint

  • demux_port - demux port

  • name - name of the chain account

  • local - bool whether chain is local or not

    "webhook_dapp_port": 8813,

Remove files:

Removing the following if they exist:

rm ./zeus_boxes/liquidx/models/liquidx-mappings/test1.dappservices.json
rm ./zeus_boxes/liquidx/models/liquidx-mappings/test1.provider1.json
rm ./zeus_boxes/liquidx/models/liquidx-mappings/test1.provider2.json
rm ./zeus_boxes/liquidx/models/eosio-chains/test1.json

Compile Contract Again with new files

export SIDE_CHAIN_NAME=liquidjungl3
zeus compile --sidechain $SIDE_CHAIN_NAME

Jungle3 sidechain name: liquidjungl3

In order for the compiler to know which network the contract intends to be deployed on the --sidechain flag must be passed to zeus compile --sidechain $SIDE_CHAIN_NAME.

Ensure that you add @eosio.code to the active permission level of the account. This can be done with the --add-code flag on the cleos set account permission command.

The side chain name is the account on the EOS mainnet that has registered the chain. You may find what this contract is by asking a DSP, a BP, or the chain team itself.

dappservices config file

Now let's see why we did all of that, in the ./contracts/eos/dappservices/dappservices.config.hpp we see:


#define DAPPSERVICESA_CONTRACT "dappservices"_n

#ifdef LIQUIDX





If you see _TEST1 at all above, something is wrong and likely you need to remove the files suggested above.

Set Contract

cd zeus_boxes/contracts/eos
export ACCOUNT=

Last updated

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