Register chain

Register chain

You must execute the setchain action on the liquidx.dsp account on the EOS mainnet with the mainnet account created to represent the chain name. The syntax is as follows:

  • chain_name {name} - name of EOS mainnet account deploying chain, e.g., mynewchainnn

  • chain_meta {chain_metadata_t} - chain data

    • is_public {bool} - whether the chain is public

    • is_single_node {bool} - whether chain is a single node

    • dappservices_contract {std::string} - account that dappservicex.cpp is deployed to, e.g., dappservicex

    • chain_id {std::string} - chain ID of sidechain

    • type {std::string} - type of blockchain, e.g., EOSIO

    • endpoints {std::vectorstd::string} - list of public endpoints for developers to use

    • chain_json_uri {std::vectorstd::string} - publicly available json file that declares chain statistics

Example cleos command:

cleos -u push transaction '{"delay_sec":0,"max_cpu_usage_ms":0,"actions":[{"account":"liquidx.dsp","name":"setchain","data":{"chain_name":"mynewchainnn","chain_meta":{"is_public":true,"is_single_node":false,"dappservices_contract":"dappservicex","chain_id":"e70aaab8997e1dfce58fbfac80cbbb8fecec7b99cf982a9444273cbc64c41473","type":"EOSIO","endpoints":[],"p2p_seeds":[],"chain_json_uri":""}},"authorization":[{"actor":"mynewchainnn","permission":"active"}]}]}'

After that, you must run the init action on the dappservicex contract.

  • chain_name {name} - name of EOS mainnet account deploying chain, e.g., mynewchainnn

Example cleos command:

cleos -u push transaction '{"delay_sec":0,"max_cpu_usage_ms":0,"actions":[{"account":"dappservicex","name":"init","data":{"chain_name":"liquidjungle"},"authorization":[{"actor":"dappservicex","permission":"active"}]}]}'

And now you’re setup to begin configuring DSPs and then enabling users to use DAPP Network services. DSPs and developers will need to know the chain_name used on the mainnet and the account the dappservicex.cpp contract was set to on the new chain.

Last updated